Vision Systems

Video Systems Srl is a manufacturer of industrial quality and process control solutions for real time inline analysis, with more than 20 years of experience. 

Today we supply solution on many markets like:

  • Steel industry
  • Hollow Glass Industry
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Automotive

Video Systems owns all the necessary technical disciplines like electronics, optics, mechanics, physics, PCB boards design, 3D technologies, photonics, hyper-spectral technologies, software development of quality and process control systems for industrial applications. 

In particular Video Systems owns know-how on Machine Learning for Artificial Neural Networks design, Fuzzy systems, Data Mining, Big Data, etc.

Video Systems has a continuous program of R&D with worldwide universities and institutes, that allows proposing best in class technologies and solutions. 

We provides both general purpose solutions and tailor made ones: customer needs are fulfilled through a work flow that starts with a collaborative analysis and ends when the product it's ready and fully certified with the common international standards.

Video Systems is selling its products and services worldwide under the following brands: Video Systems®, Adamantis®, Imago.